Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hello Parents and Players!

While we did not have a full strength team at the ASCF's RUMBLE this past SATURDAY we did have several or our players there who had fun playing in this the first ASCF event of the Fall Semester.

To get our players ready for any and all future events that they (and you their Parents) wish to attend we have begun working on some of our basic endgame checkmate techniques for Beginners - today was day one. We will also be working on more advanced tactics and endgame checkmates for the more advanced members of our chess club as well.

Special Congratulations go out to Ethan Merritt in the K-3 U600 section for his outstanding performance at the "RUMBLE" with his score of 3.5 out of 4 points earned. Michael Marx also had an excellent performance at this event where he came in 22nd with 3 wins out of four possible tries. Our lone representative in the K-3 CHAMP took second place after a tough last round game. But Rick will be happy to have both of our Ethans help him out in future ASCF tournaments as a strong K-3 CHAMP team. They will totally have fun playing together in all future events and I am sure that they will also pick up quite a few trophies as well.

Despite a mix up in round one we still have three players competing in the K-6 U700 as well as five players in the K-3 U600 and one player in the K-3 CHAMP. Should we be able to bring together all of our players for the next event being held on the

For a full listing of each section of the "RUMBLE" that was held on Saturday the 18th of 2010 please visit HERE.

Once again congratulations to all of our players who participated in this event - they got in more time at the chess board while having even more fun doing so at a local chess tournament.

- Your Santan Storm Chess Coach
Chess Coach Sean Tobin.

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