Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hello all Santan Storm Chess Parents and players!

At the FOURTH ANNUAL SUSAN POLGAR NATIONAL OPEN FOR BOYS Rick took 10th place with a fine performance. He won five games while dropping two in hard fought contests. This will surely make Rick a stronger player as this was such a wonderful experience for him. It looks like Rick will win the race to become Santan's first CHAMP section player... he and Nathan are neck and neck in this race but Rick is quite a bit more active as a tournament player right now. With two such fine players to represent SANTAN in their respective ASCF CHAMP sections our competitive chess future looks very bright indeed!

With our line-up of players constantly getting stronger in the UNDER sections it will not be long before our team is one of the top ASCF Champ/under combined teams. A lot of our players will promote into CHAMPS - probably by the end of this Semester. I am looking forward to this!

For the complete ASCF version of this ASCF/USCF event please visit HERE. Well done Rick - Congratulations!

- Coach Sean Tobin.

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