Saturday, January 30, 2010



ON SATURDAY THE 13th of 2010!
The very first ASCF event of the year - who is willing and ready to play? Only those members of the club who have competed before should consider this event as we need to get a few more meetings under the belts of all new members of the club. Those members who are new to the club as of this Semester.

Your Santan Storm Chess Coach
- Coach Sean Tobin.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hello Parents and chess club members! Welcome to your newest chess resource the "SANTAN ELEMENTARY CHESS CLUB" CHESS BLOG!

This will be a source for additional chess lessons and for chess fun for those members of the chess club who want more chess - above and beyond what is on offer within the confines of our weekly meetings. I will post chess puzzles, chess games, tips on how to play chess and information on the local chess scene for all members of the Santan Storm Chess Community to make use of and for all to enjoy.

The first meeting of our club is scheduled to be on the 3rd of February and we shall meet until the 19th of May for this year - 2010. I look forward to seeing the familiar friendly faces of those returning to the club and I look forward to meeting the new members who will be joining our community. My commitment to each and every Parent who signs their youngster up for chess club is that no matter how much time they or their loved one has for chess that the emphasis will always be on having fun with chess while learning to play even better - with whatever time we have available.

Of course the Santan Storm is one of the largest - and strongest - chess clubs around. During last Semester our tournament team did extremely well at the local ASCF Chess Tournaments. We have a lot of talent at the Santan Elementary Chess Club and it is because of how much each member enjoys chess that our tournament team did so very extremely well. All members can take pride in how well our club did at tournaments - even if some members were unable to attend these chess events. I understand that with multiple commitments to juggle and with time always being tight when it comes to scheduling multiple events for multiple family members that not all of my chess students can commit to a tournament. Of course if we do have the time and if we can make the time then we should at least try one or two tournaments - this will enhance the player's enjoyment of chess as well as teaching them the valuable lessons to be learned while competing with a team. The extra time spent at the board will allow them to take their game up another level - as I have seen time and time again in my experience as a chess trainer and chess coach.

For those of you who are new to chess and have signed up your youngster(s) for their very first experiences with chess in our chess club then I do have a message for you: Let us pick up a chess board and some chessmen for our young players! ASAP! They will want to play after their first day of chess club and in order for them to cement their understanding of chess and not to fall behind the other members of the chess club then they will need a set with which to practice. It is like picking up a musical instrument - we cannot play a violin or a piano if we never practice on one. Our young chess players should always have access to a chess set. If you do not know where to pick one up then I will be more than glad to assist you in locating where you can pick up an inexpensive set. If you - their Parent - need help picking up the game then do not worry as I am your Chess Coach too! I will email you the rules of the game in a PDF and if you tune into this blog on a regular basis then you will not be able to help but to learn how to play chess!

Welcome and enjoy the first two postings down below! - Coach Sean Tobin.

FIGHTING SPIRIT: Why we never resign a game!

Coach Sean's not so great escape - but escape I did!



White (Joel) has just blundered away a totally won game... can you find the move that saves half a point? During the game I did... now it is your turn!

Now quite obviously I am totally lost, or rather I was totally lost during this game and against a player of Joel F. Johnson's caliber I should resign - but I did not resign and it is a good thing too! Why hadn't I called it the day before reaching this critical position? Because this was a Game in three minutes blitz game and anything can happen in such a short time control and it often does. I also didn't resign because of the "fighting spirit" principle - I play on and by doing so I say to my opponents "Show me your technique - and if you fail to do so then I will try to pull out a draw, or even a win or maybe a stalemate. But show me that you have good technique first!". This is why I tell all of my players never give up a game and play it out no matter what.

The Solution will be posted on Sunday the 24th of January in the "COMMENTS" section to this post. I hope our players enjoy this chess puzzle - taken from one of my more recent games. This game was played on Sunday the 17th - so it is very fresh! : P

-Coach Sean Tobin.

The Chess Simultaneous Lunch Time Demo: I survived the storm!

What is a "Lunch time demo"?

Well it is basically a Chess Simultaneous exhibition during which I have even less time than I would normally have... So the object of the game for the students is to gang up on me, keep me playing until the point of exhaustion and then to pick up an easy win - and a chess set. From my perspective I want to checkmate everyone as quickly as possible and not to lose any games - because if I do lose then I lose one of my precious chess sets to the player who has bested me! Of course should any one really win a game against me then I will congratulate them as this would be quite the accomplishment and I did have cause for concern today! Our club is one of the biggest and best chess clubs around - and by around I mean in Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Glendale and so on. We have a lot of talent at Santan Elementary so I had to be careful today!

No one took it easy on the coach today!

We had a lot of players participate in the Lunch time demo...

Any win won a youngster a chess set & serious kudos from me!

As soon as one game was concluded then another youngster got to join.

For Today's Simul I had 15 boards.

A good event today as many games were played and all of our players had a good time. The final score? I did not lose a single game - this time around! Perhaps next time my luck will run out!!

Your Santan Storm Chess Coach
- Coach Sean Tobin.